Science - USA (2020-01-03)

(Antfer) #1

Harvard Medical School for help with light microscopy.
Funding:Supported by UK Medical Research Council grant
MC_UP_A022_1007 (R.S.H.), NIH grant P50 107618 (T.J.M.),
Harvard Medical School and Vallee Scholars Program (S.S.),
and a Human Frontier Science Program postdoctoral fellowship
(Z.L.). I.G. is a Merck Fellow of the Damon Runyon Cancer
Research Foundation (DRG:2279-16). V.C. was supported
by V. Ramakrishnan whose funding was from the MRC
(MC_U105184332), the Wellcome Trust (WT096570), the
Agouron Institute, and the Louis-Jeantet Foundation.Author
contributions:Z.L. discovered TTC5 and performed all
biochemical analyses; I.G. and S.S. generated and validated HeLa

cell lines; I.G. designed and performed phenotypic analysis of
mitosis; V.C. performed structural analysis of the TTC5-ribosome
complex; N.P. set up and characterized the in vitro photo–
cross-linking system; S.S., T.J.M., and R.S.H. supervised different
aspects of the project; R.S.H. and Z.L. conceived the project,
oversaw its implementation, and wrote the manuscript. All
authors contributed to manuscript editing.Competing interests:
The authors declare no competing interests.Data and materials
availability:The cryo-EM map has been deposited to the EMDB
(EMD-10380) and atomic coordinates have been deposited to the
Protein Data Bank (PDB 6T59). All other data are available in the
manuscript or the supplementary materials.

Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S15
Table S1
References ( 31 – 49 )
View/request a protocol for this paper fromBio-protocol.

9 September 2019; accepted 31 October 2019
Published online 14 November 2019

Linet al.,Science 367 , 100–104 (2020) 3 January 2020 5of5


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