Science - USA (2020-01-03)

(Antfer) #1



By Ofer Shoshani and Don W. Cleveland


ne of the first discoveries of gene
expression mediated by controlling
messenger RNA (mRNA) stability is
autoregulation of tubulin synthesis.
In this regulatory process, the con-
centration of tubulin subunits modu-
lates the stability of the mRNAs from which
they are translated ( 1 , 2 ). In the 1980s it was
found that only translated tubulin mRNAs
are autoregulated ( 3 ) and that translation
had to continue through at least 41 amino
acids ( 4 ). This is enough for the nascent tu-
bulin polypeptide to emerge from the ribo-
some ( 5 ). Later work established that when
the tubulin subunit pool is high, the first
four amino acids (Met-Arg-Glu-Ile, MREI)
emerging during nascent tubulin translation
serve as a regulatory tag. Recognition of this
tag promoted the degradation of the trans-
lating tubulin mRNA ( 4 , 6 – 8 ). More than 30
years later, on page 100 of this issue, Lin et
al. ( 9 ) identify tetratricopeptide repeat pro-
tein 5 (TTC5) as the regulator that binds to
nascent tubulin polypeptides.
With the exception of a high-resolution
confirmation that an elevated pool of tu-
bulin subunits selectively represses tubulin
synthesis ( 8 ), no progress toward under-
standing the autoregulation of tubulin ex-
pression was made since 1988. The most
attractive model for how the pool size of
tubulin subunits could trigger rapid mRNA
degradation to suppress new tubulin syn-
thesis was that it was the tubulin a/b dimer,
the unit that assembles into microtubules,
that cotranslationally bound to the MREI
tetrapeptide. Lin et al. disprove this model.
They use mass spectrometry and in vitro
translation of an mRNA encoding the first
94 amino acids of b-tubulin to identify
TTC5 as the protein that recognizes the na-
scent b-tubulin MREI tetrapeptide in com-
plex with the large ribosomal subunit.
a- and b-tubulin form a heterodimer that
serves as the building block for microtubule
polymers, the tracks along which cargoes
are moved by dynein and kinesin family mo-
tors. During cell duplication, microtubule-
directed trafficking is essential for delivery to
each daughter cell of a complete set of chro-

mosomes. By inactivating both maternal and
paternal copies of the gene encoding TTC5,
Lin et al. demonstrate that tubulin autoregu-
lation is essential for maintaining faithful
chromosome segregation, with a modest in-
crease in chromosome segregation errors in
the absence of TTC5. Errors in chromosome
inheritance are key drivers of tumorigenesis,
so maintenance of the genome is important
( 10 ). However, Lin et al. have determined
that cells with inactivated tubulin autoregu-
lation are viable and can continue to survive
and duplicate. This is unexpected because
disruption of autoregulation would be pre-
dicted to yield runaway tubulin synthesis,
which in turn should have severely disrupted
microtubule assembly dynamics and func-
tion. Perhaps additional factors are involved,
the activities of which might compensate, to
some extent, for the lack of TTC5 activity.
The new work also casts doubt on the no-

tion that the tubulin concentration directly
participates in the ribosomal complex with
TTC5 and the MREI peptide. Instead, the
findings of Lin et al. support a counterintui-
tive model in which cells ordinarily contain a
cytosolic factor that prevents TTC5 binding
to MREI-ribosome complexes and that this
inhibitor is inactivated when the tubulin di-
mer concentration increases (see the figure).
The study of Lin et al. is a major step in
deciphering a regulatory pathway for con-
trolling expression of an important cellular
product (tubulin) through cotranslationally
mediated mRNA instability. It should be
noted, however, that important steps in the
autoregulatory pathway remain unidentified,
including (i) the factor that inhibits TTC5
binding activity when tubulin levels are nor-
mal, (ii) the newly proposed autoregulatory
signal generated by an increased pool of tu-
bulin subunits, (iii) the nuclease(s) that medi-
ate tubulin mRNA degradation, and (iv) the
activation of those nucleases once TTC5 rec-
ognizes the nascent tubulin peptide.
This may only be the tip of the iceberg for
cotranslational control of gene expression.
Work in yeast suggests that mRNA decay
through cotranslational regulation is wide-
spread ( 11 ) and that it involves a 5 9 -to-3 9
RNA exoribonuclease 1 (xrn1) ( 12 ). The TTC5
structure bound to a ribosome, as beautifully
determined by Lin et al., provides clues that
might allow the identification of additional
regulators (perhaps containing the same tet-
ratricopeptide repeats found in TTC5) that
can bind the ribosome exit tunnel and simul-
taneously recognize targets encoded by dif-
ferent mRNAs. j


  1. T. J. Yen, D. A. Gay, J. S. Pachter, D. W. Cleveland, Mol. Cell.
    Biol. 8 , 1224 (1988).

  2. D. W. Cleveland, M. A. Lopata, P. Sherline, M. W.
    Kirschner, Cell 25 , 537 (1981).

  3. D. W. Cleveland, M. F. Pittenger, J. R. Feramisco, Nature
    305 , 738 (1983).

  4. D. A. Gay, T. J. Yen, J. T. Lau, D. W. Cleveland, Cell 50 , 671

  5. J. S. Pachter, T. J. Yen, D. W. Cleveland, Cell 51 , 283 (1987).

  6. T. J. Yen, P. S. Machlin, D. W. Cleveland, Nature 334 , 580

  7. A. Yonath, K. R. Leonard, H. G. Wittmann, Science 236 ,
    813 (1987).

  8. I. Gasic, S. A. Boswell, T. J. Mitchison, PLOS Biol. 17 ,
    e3000225 (2019).

  9. Z. Lin et al., Science 367 , 100 (2020).

  10. U. Ben-David, A. Amon, Nat. Rev. Genet. 21 , 44 (2020).

  11. V. Pelechano, W. Wei, L. M. Steinmetz, Cell 161 , 1400

  12. W. Hu, T. J. Sweet, S. Chamnongpol, K. E. Baker, J. Coller,
    Nature 461 , 225 (2009).


Gene expression regulated by RNA stability

The factor responsible for autoregulation of tubulin RNA stability is identified



TTC5 inhibitor
is inactivated


inhibiinh tor


inhibiinh t



5' Tubulin mRNA



is ina


Tubulin autoregulation activated

mRNA degraded





Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research and Department of
Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of California, San
Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA. Email: [email protected]

Autoregulation of tubulin RNA
Tubulin messenger RNA (mRNA) instability is mediated
by cotranslational binding of tetratricopeptide repeat
protein 5 (TTC5) to the tubulin amino-terminal
tetrapeptide MREI and activation of one or more
ribosome-associated nucleases.

3 JANUARY 2020 • VOL 367 ISSUE 6473 29
Published by AAAS
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