2019-05-01 The Artists Magazine

(Martin Jones) #1

26 Artists Magazine May 2019


How to Draw Birds

As an artist, you already have the power of observation.

Make the most of that power with these eight exercises.

by Debby Cotter Kaspari

Drawing birds from life is as much a sport as it is an art.
Birds rarely hold still, so catching them on paper requires
a combination of observation, good reflexes and a fast
pencil. You can work from photos, but one of the rewards of
drawing birds from life is that you’ll get to know them well.
Although they go unnoticed much of the time, we live
our lives surrounded by birds. There might be pigeons on
telephone wires, house sparrows in the hedges or geese on
the golf links. Birds are possibly the most visible of the
world’s wildlife. They’re easy to see and study and, with
practice, not too difficult to draw.

The palm tree (right) didn’t move an inch, but the
Amazon buff -rumped warbler (opposite, left) made me
work fast to capture its wagging tail. The European
goldfi nches (opposite, right) picked thistle seeds just
long enough to allow me to snag a few gestures, and
I added color washes after they fl ew away.


Birds rarely sit still, so you’ll need to “grow”
a fast hand to catch up with them. Warm up
with fast spirals, wiggles and any doodling
nonsense that syncs your hand with your
eye. Set a timer and fast-sketch simple
objects. Before tackling birds, draw a tree,
a stone or your shoe. Leave out the details
and go for the gesture.

A sketchbook, binoculars and pencil are my primary
pieces of equipment. I use a mechanical pencil—no
sharpening required, which would just slow me down.
Binoculars are great if you have them, but if you don’t,
start with birds that can be approached closely.
Try not to make tight drawings. Instead, give yourself
the initial goal of making organized scribbles—scribbles
with beaks and feathers. With time and practice, your
drawings naturally will become more polished, but for now,
think of this as a new way to pursue a love of birds. Here
are eight ways that will help breed success.
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