
(Nancy Kaufman) #1


By Lea Ann Holzmeister, RD, CDE


arinade is a medium used to pre-
pare meat for cooking, usually
grilling. Marinades enhance flavor when
the meat absorbs some of the marinade
and tenderizes the surface. Most super-
markets stock an array of herbed, curried,
fruited and spiced marinades.
Marinades are usually a mixture of
an acid, salt, fruit or vegetables and
spices used on meat, fish or other
foods. Marinades affect the surface of
the food, breaking down the proteins
on the surface of the meat, making it
more tender. Because marinades only
penetrate the surface of the meat,
they are best used on smaller cuts
like steak and pork chops. However,
using an injector to inject the mari-
nade into the center of the meat can
remedy this.
While marinades are used to ten-
derize meats, brines are used to add
moisture. Cooking can dry out meat,
and a brine helps it stay moist by break-
ing down the surface and retaining
water, which results in a juicier meat.
Brines usually contain a liquid and
salt with other ingredients optional to
add flavor. Dry rubs are mainly used
to add flavor to meat.

Types of marinades
Three types of marinades are utilized
to enhance flavor and tenderize. Acidic
marinades contain a base ingredient
such as wine or vinegar or highly acidic
juices such as tomato or citrus juices.
The acid loosens the bonds between
proteins in the meat, causing them to
tenderize. But marinading too long
will actually cause meat to get tough.
Enzymes found in raw fruits such
as papaya, pineapple, kiwi, fig and
mango break down meat proteins’
fibers and are used in some mari-
nades. The enzymes in dairy foods
such as buttermilk and yogurt also
tenderize meat and are used in some

marinades. Keep in mind, if meat is
left too long, enzyme marinades can
cause meat to be mushy.
Bottled or pre-packaged marinades
are available in a wide variety of fla-
vors, such as teriyaki, cajun, garlic
and herb, chipotle and sriracha. Pack-
aging includes bottled marinades,
marinades that include an injector
and marinades in a bag.

Nutrition facts
The serving size indicated on Nutri-
tion Facts panels for marinades is one
tablespoon. However, the amount
actually consumed with a portion
of meat is variable. The calorie con-
tent in one tablespoon is fairly low,
from zero to 35 calories per serving.
The source of calories is most often
carbohydrate from ingredients such
as honey, sugar or corn syrup. The
amount of carbohydrate per one-
tablespoon serving can be as high as
9 grams per serving.
Unlike salad dressings, which are
frequently used to marinate meats,
bottled marinades typically have very
little if any fat. However, bottled mari-
nades are usually high in sodium,
some containing over 600 mg of
sodium per one-tablespoon serving.

Manage the sodium
The American Diabetes Association
recommends sodium intake be less
than 2,300 mg daily, the same rec-
ommendation as the general public.
For those with high blood pressure,
reducing sodium intake further may
be indicated.
Allegro Hot and Spicy Marinade
contains 670 mg of sodium per one
tablespoon, which is close to one third
of the daily sodium intake recommen-
dation. Lower-sodium marinades such
as Mrs. Dash marinades, which contain
no sodium, and many Lea & Perrins
marinades in a bag contain less than
200 mg sodium per tablespoon.
Bottled marinades make it fast and
easy to season and tenderize your
meats, but be sure to check Nutrition
Facts panels for salt and sugar content.
Your nutrition goals will determine
the marinade that best fits your needs.
Choose marinades with less than 200
mg sodium and 2 grams of carbohy-
drate per one-tablespoon serving. †








62 May/June 2019

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