Barrons AP Calculus - David Bock

(dmanu) #1
Use a series to evaluate to four decimal places.
SOLUTION: Although cannot be expressed in terms of elementary functions, we can write
a series for eu, replace u by (−x^2 ), and integrate term by term. Thus,

Since this is a convergent alternating series (with terms decreasing in magnitude and approaching
0), which will not affect the fourth decimal place. Then, correct to four decimal places,

†C7. Power Series over Complex Numbers.

A complex number is one of the form a + bi, where a and b are real and i^2 = −1. If we allow complex
numbers as replacements for x in power series, we obtain some interesting results.
Consider, for instance, the series

When x = yi, then (1) becomes


since the series within the parentheses of equation (2) converge respectively to cos y and sin y.
Equation (3) is called Euler’s formula. It follows from (3) that

ei π = − 1,
and thus that

ei π + 1 = 0,
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