Managing your diabetes requires energy, motivation, and
focus every single day. Have you ever thought: I know what
to do, but I just can’t make myself do it? If so, spending a
thoughtful hour or two creating a personal wellness vision—
a concrete and inspiring picture of you leading a healthy, sat-
isfying life—may be just what the diabetes educator ordered.
To get started, grab pen and paper (or use your computer),
set aside some quiet time, and follow these steps.
Picture what you are doing, thinking, feel-
ing, and experiencing at that level of well-
ness. Ask yourself why these things are
important to you. Let your mind explore,
without censoring your thoughts. Focus-
ing solely on your future self and your
health may feel awkward at first, but it’s
this self-reflection that will shape vague
ideas of what you want into a clear and
compelling vision of a future, healthy you.
Write down not only what you expect to
achieve but also what that feels like and
why. Follow these tips when writing:
- Write in the present tense. Imagine that
you are your future self. So instead of
writing “I will be confident when I get
dressed in the morning,” try writing “I
am confident when I get dressed each
morning.” Or “I feel fit when working in
the yard and around the house.”
- Be as descriptive and specific as possi-
ble. “I sit comfortably when I cross my
legs” is more concrete and empowering
than “I want to be comfortable.”
- Use positive language, which is more
powerful than a list of don’ts. For ex-
ample, turn “I don’t dread my annual
checkup” into “I look forward to my an-
nual checkup because I’m proud of my
efforts to manage my diabetes.”