Simply Knitting - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1


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Row 12 Knit.
Row 13 K1,k2tog, knit to end. [8 sts]
Row 14 Knit.
Row 15 K1,k2tog, knit to end. [7 sts]
Knit 21 rows.
Row 37 Kfb,knit to end. [8 sts]
Row 38 Knit.
Row 39 Kfb,knittoend. [9 sts]
Row 40 Knittoend.
Turn,caston 4 sts. Leave these sts to one side.

WithWSfacing,re-join yarn to the set of 10 sts.
Row 12 Knit.
Row 13 Knittolast 2 sts, kfb, K1. [11 sts]
Row 14 Knit.
Row 15 Knittolast 2 sts, kfb, K1. [12 sts]
Row 16 Knit.
Row 17 Knittolast 2 sts, kfb, K1. [13 sts]
Knit4 rows.
Row 22 Castoff 6 sts, knit to end. [7 sts]
Knit 14 rows.
Row 37 Knittolast 2 sts, kfb, K1. [8 sts]
Row 38 Knit.
Row 39 Knittothe last 2 sts, kfb, K1. [9 sts]
Row 40 Knit.

Knittoend, knit across 13 sts from left Leg.
Row 42 andfollaltrowsKnit.
Row43,45, 47 and 49 K1, k2tog, knit to the last
3 sts,k2tog,K1.
NextrowKnit. [14 sts]

Caston7 stsusing3.25mmneedlesandYarn D.
Commencingwitha RSrow,knit18 rows.
Turnandcaston3 sts.[10sts]
Leavetheseststo one side.

Caston 8 sts using 3.25mm needles and Yarn D.

Commencingwitha RSrow,knit2 rows.
*Row 3 K1,k2tog, knit to last 2 sts, kfb, K1.
Knit3 rows.
Repeatfrom * three times more.

Castoff1 st,knittoend. Knit across sts from the
Row 20 andWSrowsKnit.
Rows21,23, 25 and 27 Kfb, knit to end.
Row 28 Knit.[21sts]
Row 29 Kfb,K7,castoff6 sts,knittoend.
[9stsonLeftLeg, 7 sts on Right Leg]

Workingontheset of 7 sts only:
Knit 11 rows.
Turn,caston 6 sts. Put these sts to one side.

WithWSfacing,re-join yarn to the set of 9 sts.
Row 30 Knit.
Row 31 Knittolast 3 sts, k2tog, K1. [8 sts]
Row 32 Knit.
Row 33 Knittolast 3 sts, k2tog, K1. [7 sts]
Knit3 rows.
Row 37 Knit to last 2 sts, kfb, K1. [8 sts]
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