Watercolor Artist - USA (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1
ArtistsNetwork.com 39

Meet the Artist

Christopher Forsey (chrisforsey.com)
has been widely exhibited throughout
the U.K. and has won prizes for his work
at the Mall Galleries, London. Forsey was
elected a member of the Royal Institute
of Painters in Water Colours in 2010. He
has been tutoring and teaching for 15
years and enjoys giving lively and
informative painting demonstrations.
The artist teaches painting courses and
leads artistic holidays in the U.K. and
abroad and has been featured in British
and European art magazines. He’s a
regular contributor to The Artist for
mixed-media watercolor and acrylic
painting and has published four
instructional painting DVDs. Forsey
believes in getting to know the painting
subject through observation, sketching
and photography; careful planning of
composition and color; and in working
quickly and expressively in the studio.

subject matter—hence my liking of Impressionism,
Fauvism and Turner. I also like abstract work.” Th ese are
some of the reasons why his favorite painting of his own
is Frosted Riverbank (opposite), a slightly abstracted land-
scape featuring a palette that he favors.


Forsey’s attachment to music continues to this day. “I play
the guitar and have thought often about the relationship
between music and painting,” he says. “I play music with
another fi ne artist, and we often discuss accent colors in
painting and in musical sounds. Whistler used the same
words to name his nocturnes as composers did working
in the same era.”

Whether it be art or music, Forsey is driven by the
need to push boundaries. “I want to allow my style to
develop,” he says. “I get bored with doing the same things
day after day and like to experiment. So, I need to allow
myself to step away a little from my usual approach and
try new things. In fi ve years, I want to be painting with
an even more expressive style, larger and with more
abstraction in the work, but still based on landscape
inspiration. It’s my prime purpose.” Forsey’s is the kind
of restless energy common to explorers in many fi elds,
and his paintings will surely refl ect that kind of bound-
less creativity. WA

London-based Louella Miles (writers4management.com) is
a writer, publisher and an “artist in any spare time.”
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