Watercolor Artist - USA (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1
ArtistsNetwork.com 55

Step 6
I had previously sealed the left side of the
face with white, but as I started to build the
values on the nose and shadowed cheek,
the accidental stain became more apparent.
Also, I could see a brighter light bounce in
my reference photo and wanted it in the
painting, so I added more white to the area
by her mouth to smooth it and then glazed
over it with Naples yellow. I mixed a triad of
darker colors for a little more coverage
using perylene maroon, indanthrene blue
and Naples yellow. I dampened the paper
with a wash of permanent rose and added
the darker triad, starting under her eyebrow
and getting lighter toward her mouth.

Step 7
Using liquid mask on the now-dry paper,
I protected the entire figure area. Since I had
already used white paint, I mixed some
semiopaque sky blue, burnt sienna and
indanthrene blue and poured the
background. I needed a little extra coverage
to smooth the initially botched background.

Step 8
I finished painting the eye area and moved
on to the hair. I used a combination of wet-
into-wet and wet-on-dry applications to build
the value and color of the strands. I saved
the jewelry for last and enjoyed making it
look as three-dimensional as possible. WA

67 8

Leah (watercolor on
paper, 30x22)
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