Windows Help & Advice - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1



Windows 10


here is a lot to be said for
using a mouse or trackpad
to get around Windows and
theprograms you use, but keyboard
shortcuts can be so much faster. In
this article we’ll reveal some of the
most useful keyboard shortcuts for
Windows 10. Try not to feel
intimidated... you don’t need to
learn all of them at once! There are
a lot of shortcuts to learn, but you
can gradually start to use one or
two to start with, then add a
couple more when you’re familiar
with them.
Keyboard shortcuts don’t give you
any extra options or features, but
they can really speed up everyday
computing tasks. If you are typing,
there’s no need to move your hands
from the keyboard constantly to grab
the mouse. Just think how many
times you currently use your mouse,
and you get an idea of how much

1 Accessing Windows features
Windows has lots of keyboard shortcuts. [Win] + [A] calls up
the Action Centre to the right of the screen so you can see
notifications, while [Win] + [E] launches Explorer. [Win] + [G]
opens the Xbox Game Bar, [Win] + [I] opens Settings, and [Win] +
[X] mimics right clicking on the Start button. Use [Win] + [R] to
access the Run dialog, and [Win] + [S] to search.

2 Working with virtual desktops
If you press [Win] + [Tab], you can access Task View to switch
between windows, and jump back to a different date. It also gives
access to Virtual Desktops, but there are specific keyboard
shortcuts associated with this feature too. [Win] + [Ctrl] + [D]
creates a new virtual desktop while [Win] + [Ctrl] + [left] or [right]
swaps back and forth between those you have created.



If you hold down
[Alt] in Explorer, the
keyboard shortcuts
available to you will
be revealed so you
can learn them

Using keyboard
shortcuts to control
the programs and
windows you have
open can be a
real timesaver.


Trickyin parts

Windows 10

At a glance



24 |^ |^ March 2020

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