Flirt Magazine March

(Flirt Magazine) #1

Alex Cole – Flirt Magazine –

March 2020 issue – Interview

  1. Please introduce yourself. Where were you born and
    First of all thank you Ronny and Flirt Magazine for interviewing
    me. I salute you and Flirt Magazine readers. I’m originally from
    Milan, Italy. I came to Los Angeles, USA in 2014 to pursue my
    Rock N’ Roll dream. Here I am doing it worldwide.

  2. How did you get into fitness and when did you start?
    I was a sugar addict all my life and didn’t really know so I tried
    to inform myself by researching watching YouTube videos and
    found Dr. Berg and learned about nutrition.
    So armed with this information, I started jumping rope 3 years
    ago to burn more fat, get lean and have fun. I can jump rope for
    40 minutes, burn 500 calories and never think about anything
    else. It’s my form of meditation. Most people sit quietly to
    meditate, I jump rope. It’s kind of funny because I got a chance to
    meet the “Jump Rope Dudes” and their motto is “Do The Thing.”
    I could completely relate to that. I have been following these
    two awesome guys with their inspiring workouts on YouTube.
    We became fans and friends of each-other, they came to see me
    perform at The Viper Room and at The Lotus Festival, I went to
    their meetups in Santa Monica and they invited me to be featured
    in one of their videos.
    3. Do you have a specific routine that you follow?
    I keep my body in shape because I have to survive my high energy
    Rock N’ Roll shows. I wake up, drink my coffee, so I jump to burn
    calories and fat from the day before, then I can push for more. My
    goal is 30-40 minutes, I do jumping, pushups, I switch up with
    variations with body weights, crunches, pull ups, rings / bars. I am
    very disciplined.
    4. What do you find to be most difficult in maintaining
    I am my own worst enemy. You have to push no matter how
    you feel, and at the end of the day you battle yourself, but I feel
    victorious when reaching my daily goal. Discipline is a grind.
    5. How huge of a role does diet play in your fitness?
    I know what to cook and what to eat which is mostly vegetables. I
    don’t feed myself starch or processed food(s). I try to not load my
    body up with preservatives, I love fish (salmon), chicken, I rarely
    eat meat. Low carb, healthy fats, moderate protein. I am very aware
    that if I put poison in my body, it will destroy my system and effect
    my workout. Intermittent fasting is my ritual.
    6. What is your favorite workout? What is your least
    favorite workout? What advice would you give to a beginner? In
    fitness and rock n’ roll?
    My favorite workout is “High Intensity Interval Training” combined
    with weighted jump ropes. Least favorite workouts are legs, squats,
    Advice for Fitness: Start doing it, don’t get discouraged.

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