
(Joyce) #1

55a 55b

54a 54b

58 59

56c 57

56a 56b


Steps 54a & b.
Using a fine brush and a deeper colour mix, paint the
outlines of the pink flowers as shown. Repeat for the
red and purple flowers.

Steps 55a & b.
Mix vodka with Orange and Sunflower gel colours
separately on your colour palette and start adding some
highlights to the previously painted flowers.
With a fine brush and Purple or Pink gel colours, paint
the outline of the red flowers to give them more depth.

Steps 56a-c.
Make some black royal icing and pipe random tendrils
around the cake as shown.

Step 57.
Take the larger white clematis and tape it to a 16 gauge
floral wire (or less, just strong enough to support the
weight of the flower in an upright position) and bend
it slightly.

Step 58.
Tape the smaller white clematis below the previously
taped one. Bend the end to place it into a posy pick. Cut
excess length.

Step 59.
Insert two posy picks into the cake towards the top
edge, 4-6cm apart as shown.

Step 60.
Using a 24 gauge floral wire, tie it around the main
stem and use tape to match the stem. This is necessary
to keep the stem upright (otherwise it will swing down
with the weight of the clematis at one end).
Make a small hook at the end and insert the stem into
the posy picks as shown.

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