
(Joyce) #1


Trace your chosen image using a graphite
technical pencil. Roll out flower paste,
ensuring that you have enough to transfer
the image on to. Turn over your image so
that the freshly drawn side is against the
flower paste. Trace the image again over
the top to transfer a faint outline on to
the flower paste. Using a craft knife, cut
carefully around your image on a cutting
mat. Repeat the process for the sunglasses.

Transfer Designs and

Make Plaques

Half fill your airbrush cup with rejuvenator
or clear alcohol and add a few drops of
Colour Flo Baby Blue. Always test the flow
of colour first on kitchen paper. To decorate
the covered cake board, airbrush on
medium mode 3-4” inches away from the
surface around the edges of your covered
cake board, turning your turntable at the
same time to ensure an even covering.
Lightly add colour using your airbrush on
minimum mode and pulling the trigger
back gently, so that it dries instantly. Place
your stencil on top of your board and
airbrush lightly, no more than 2” inches
away from the stencil, on one of the lower
modes so that you do not saturate the
stencil and cause any bleeding of colour.
Repeat all the way around the board.

For the cut out girl’s top, mask and pin
the neck and hair strands that you do not
want to be coloured. Airbrush lightly once
again with a Baby Blue background over
the jumper area. Place the leopard print
stencil on top. Put your airbrush on one of
the lower modes and gently airbrush over
the stencil again, no more than 2” inches
away from your subject, moving it along
the plaque.

Tip – be careful not to saturate your stencil
with colour as this can cause bleeding.
Simply stop the process and blot the stencil
with kitchen paper until dry.

Airbrushing with a


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