Linux Format - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1
22 LXF260 March 2020

REVIEWS Teen-angst simulator

OS: Ubuntu
18.04 64-bit
CPU: 3.4GHz
Intel Core
Mem: 4GB
GPU: Nvidia
GeForce GTX
680 2GB, AMD
Radeon R9 380
4GB (Vulkan
driver, Nvidia
v430.14, AMD
Mesa 19.1.2),
Intel GPU not

CPU: 3.2GHz
Intel Core
Mem: 8GB
GPU: Nvidia
GeForce GTX
970 4GB,
AMD Radeon
RX 470 4GB


from vignette to vignette, with each chapter set months
after the one before, in a place where Sean and Daniel can
stay in relative safety for a few days or weeks.
Here lies the game’s most existential dilemma. These
havens provide a place to live –at least temporarily –
almost entirely off-grid, a rare opportunity to lay low and
take stock. In one episode, whole chunks of dialogue are
given over to the idea of holding out for next month’s pay
cheque, while another places the brothers firmly within
the nuclear family they both so clearly crave. Those
themes of financial security and familial responsibility are
woven throughout the game, but their importance pales in
comparison to Dontnod’s desire for a classic road trip,
and so Sean and Daniel are moved on, irrespective of the
decisions made within the episode.

uring the third episode of
Life is Strange 2, main
character Sean Diaz is
presented with a choice that could
help bring his ordeal to an early
end, but would put his little
brother Daniel in danger. Being the
responsible father figure that we
clearly are, we decline the
opportunity. But then later on in
the episode, we’re asked to make
that same choice again. And then
again. In the end, the decision is
made for us, and everything falls
to pieces.
Life is Strange 2 begins in
suburban Seattle, where a fatal
misunderstanding forces Sean
and Daniel to flee their home. In his panic, Sean takes his
brother on the run, aiming for his father’s family home in
Puerto Lobos, Mexico, and the pair take the first steps on
their year-long journey to the border. His decision
provides an impressive backdrop to their adventure –
chilling Oregon winters, towering Californian forests and
sweltering Arizona deserts offer an ambitious alternative
to the series’ traditionally small-town narratives – but also
forces Life is Strange 2 to immediately undermine its
road-tripping raison d’etre.
Rather than directly portray a 2,400-kilometre journey,
developer Dontnod sticks to its series’ classic tropes.
Exploration, dialogue, and character development are its
strengths, but those are difficult to achieve within the
confines of a Greyhound bus. Instead, the story moves

Life is Strange 2

Management’s heard that Alistair Jones is going through puberty again so

have stocked up on spot cream, but he’s just eaten too much chocolate.


Scenic environments
offer moments of
respite for the brothers.

bonds are put
under pressure
when fleeing
from the law.

22 LXF260March 2020 222March 0ngemtM’ne

REVIEWS Teen-angst simulator

680 2GB,AMD
RadeonR9 380

970 4GB,
RX 470 4GB


from vignette to vignette, with each chapter set months
after the one before, in a place where Sean and Daniel can
stay in relative safety for a few days or weeks.
Here lies the game’s most existential dilemma. These
havens provide a place to live –at least temporarily –
almost entirely off-grid, a rare opportunity to lay low and
take stock. In one episode, whole chunks of dialogue are
given over to the idea of holding out for next month’s pay
cheque, while another places the brothers firmly within
the nuclear family they both so clearly crave. Those
themes of financial security and familial responsibility are
woven throughout the game, but their importance pales in
comparison to Dontnod’s desire for a classic road trip,
and so Sean and Daniel are moved on, irrespective of the
decisions made within the episode.

uring the third episode of
Life is Strange 2, main
character Sean Diaz is
presented with a choice that could
help bring his ordeal to an early
end, but would put his little
brother Daniel in danger. Being the
responsible father figure that we
clearly are, we decline the
opportunity. But then later on in
the episode, we’re asked to make
that same choice again. And then
again. In the end, the decision is
made for us, and everything falls
to pieces.
Life is Strange 2 begins in
suburban Seattle, where a fatal
misunderstanding forces Sean
and Daniel to flee their home. In his panic, Sean takes his
brother on the run, aiming for his father’s family home in
Puerto Lobos, Mexico, and the pair take the first steps on
their year-long journey to the border. His decision
provides an impressive backdrop to their adventure –
chilling Oregon winters, towering Californian forests and
sweltering Arizona deserts offer an ambitious alternative
to the series’ traditionally small-town narratives – but also
forces Life is Strange 2 to immediately undermine its
road-tripping raison d’etre.
Rather than directly portray a 2,400-kilometre journey,
developer Dontnod sticks to its series’ classic tropes.
Exploration, dialogue, and character development are its
strengths, but those are difficult to achieve within the
confines of a Greyhound bus. Instead, the story moves

Life is Strange 2

Management’s heard that Alistair Jones is going through puberty again so

have stocked up on spot cream, but he’s just eaten too much chocolate.


Scenic environments
offer moments of
respite for the brothers.

bonds are put
under pressure
when fleeing
from the law.
Free download pdf