Linux Format - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1 March 2020 LXF260 27

Beginner distros ROUNDUP



any Linux distributions give users the option to try them
before installing them to disk. This highly useful feature
lets you test the various aspects of a distribution, such
as installing new software, and otherwise acclimatise to it without
going through installation. This is important because installing
Linux, although a far more streamlined process nowadays, still
requires users to make some crucial decisions that they might not
have faced before. The most important of these is partitioning,
where you can choose to either erase the entire disk and use it to
install the distro or specify a custom partitioning layout.
At the very least, Linux distributions require a root partition
(often referenced by the / symbol). Its also possible to carve
separate partitions, such as /home, etc. but this is for slightly
more experienced users.
If you’re unsure about performing the partitioning yourself for
fear of risking the data on your disk, running Linux in a virtual
machine is a viable solution. You can install Oracle VirtualBox or a
similar app to your existing operating system, and then install
Linux within, which will not harm your existing installation or data.
Deepin requires a minimum of 16GB of disk space, and
recommends at least 20GB. It doesn’t have a live medium, so you
must install it to disk before you can use it.
The Elementary OS installer is quite robust and lets you create
a custom partitioning layout on your disk. By default, the installer
will automatically download all available updates during
installation. You can turn this off by unselecting the relevant

eepin ships with a large compliment of custom, home-
grown applications to help you play music, videos, etc.
Also on offer is the Chrome browser and Thunderbird
email client. Instead of LibreOffice, the office suite of choice for
most distributions, Deepin instead ships with WPS Office.
Elementary OS strives to provide a very simple and elegant
design. It’s for this reason that it ships with lightweight apps that
follow a simple design philosophy. It ships with Epiphany web
browser, which is incredibly lightweight. One app of note is the
Ciano multimedia file converter, which can be used to convert
audio, video and image files to different formats. These are
complimented by a string of home-grown apps such as Music,
Video, Camera, Photos, etc. that perform the functions suggested
by their names.
Manjaro ships with all the applications a user will most likely
need on their desktop, such as Firefox, the Thunderbird email
client, KGet download manager, VLC media player, etc. Also
available is Timeshift, a system backup and restore tool. You
can also connect the distribution to your Android device using
the KDE Connect application.
With Zorin OS, you get the usual multimedia, office and internet
apps such as the Totem video player, Rhythmbox audio player,


Bundled software

Will these distros assist or hinder

you on your journey?

Are they usable out of the box?



The installation
process for
most Linux
typically follows
a routine
set of steps,
which define
the time zone
and specify
the keyboard
layout, partition
the hard disk
and creating a
user account.

All the distros in our list offer the very minimum, such as internet browser, email
client, text editors and media players.

checkbox. You can always install updates post-installation, if after
a few days of testing you decide to persist with the distribution.
The Solus installer is more primitive compared to others.
You must already have specific space on your hard disk carved
out for it before beginning the installation. You can use the live
environment to experiment with the distro and even use the
included GParted tool to partition your hard disk and make
room for Solus.
Unlike the other distributions, which don’t let you choose
what software is installed by default, Manjaro gives you the
choice between LibreOffice and SoftMaker FreeOffice suite
during installation, but nothing else.


SOLUS 6/10


SOLUS 6/10
ZORIN OS 10/10

With the exception of Deepin, all other distributions provide a Live
environment so that you can use the distribution without installing it first.

Compared to others, Elementary OS and Solus provide fewer default packages.

LibreOffice suite and the Firefox web browser. Also included is the
Remmina desktop-sharing app, as well as the video editor Pitivi,
GIMP image editor and Shotwell image viewer. Unlike the other
distributions, Zorin OS also ships Déjà Dup, an easy-to-use tool to
backup your data.

2226March 0 h6rDepihDpnElmt March 2020 LXF260 27

Beginner distros ROUNDUP



any Linux distributions give users the option to try them
before installing them to disk. This highly useful feature
lets you test the various aspects of a distribution, such
asinstalling new software, and otherwise acclimatise to it without
going through installation. This is important because installing
Linux, although a far more streamlined process nowadays, still
requires users to make some crucial decisions that they might not
have faced before. The most important of these is partitioning,
where you can choose to either erase the entire disk and use it to
install the distro or specify a custom partitioning layout.
At the very least, Linux distributions require a root partition
(often referenced by the / symbol). Its also possible to carve
separate partitions, such as /home, etc. but this is for slightly
more experienced users.
If you’re unsure about performing the partitioning yourself for
fear of risking the data on your disk, running Linux in a virtual
machine is a viable solution. You can install Oracle VirtualBox or a
similar app to your existing operating system, and then install
Linux within, which will not harm your existing installation or data.
Deepin requires a minimum of 16GB of disk space, and
recommends at least 20GB. It doesn’t have a live medium, so you
must install it to disk before you can use it.
The Elementary OS installer is quite robust and lets you create
a custom partitioning layout on your disk. By default, the installer
will automatically download all available updates during
installation. You can turn this off by unselecting the relevant

eepin ships with a large compliment of custom, home-
grown applications to help you play music, videos, etc.
Also on offer is the Chrome browser and Thunderbird
emailclient. Instead of LibreOffice, the office suite of choice for
most distributions, Deepin instead ships with WPS Office.
Elementary OS strives to provide a very simple and elegant
design. It’s for this reason that it ships with lightweight apps that
follow a simple design philosophy. It ships with Epiphany web
browser, which is incredibly lightweight. One app of note is the
Ciano multimedia file converter, which can be used to convert
audio, video and image files to different formats. These are
complimented by a string of home-grown apps such as Music,
Video, Camera, Photos, etc. that perform the functions suggested
by their names.
Manjaro ships with all the applications a user will most likely
need on their desktop, such as Firefox, the Thunderbird email
client, KGet download manager, VLC media player, etc. Also
available is Timeshift, a system backup and restore tool. You
can also connect the distribution to your Android device using
the KDE Connect application.
With Zorin OS, you get the usual multimedia, office and internet
apps such as the Totem video player, Rhythmbox audio player,


Bundled software

Will these distros assist or hinder

you on your journey?

Are they usable out of the box?



The installation
process for
most Linux
typically follows
a routine
set of steps,
which define
the time zone
and specify
the keyboard
layout, partition
the hard disk
and creating a
user account.


checkbox. You can always install updates post-installation, if after
a few days of testing you decide to persist with the distribution.
The Solus installer is more primitive compared to others.
You must already have specific space on your hard disk carved
out for it before beginning the installation. You can use the live
environment to experiment with the distro and even use the
included GParted tool to partition your hard disk and make
room for Solus.
Unlike the other distributions, which don’t let you choose
what software is installed by default, Manjaro gives you the
choice between LibreOffice and SoftMaker FreeOffice suite
during installation, but nothing else.


SOLUS 6/10


SOLUS 6/10

With the exception of Deepin, all other distributions provide a Live
environment so that you can use the distribution without installing it first.

Compared to others, Elementary OS and Solus provide fewer default packages.

LibreOffice suite and the Firefox web browser. Also included is the
Remmina desktop-sharing app, as well as the video editor Pitivi,
GIMP image editor and Shotwell image viewer. Unlike the other
distributions, Zorin OS also ships Déjà Dup, an easy-to-use tool to
backup your data.
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