Nature - USA (2020-01-16)

(Antfer) #1

Extended Data Fig. 5 | Phenotype of other induced CSPs to a panel of
insecticides. a, Effect of attenuation of dsSAP3 on mortality after insecticide
exposure in Tiassalé mosquitoes (right bars; deltamethrin, n = 4; permethrin,
n = 5; α-cypermethrin, n = 3; DDT, n = 3; pirimiphos-methyl, n = 3; bendiocarb,
n = 4) compared with dsGFP-injected controls (left bars, green patterned;
deltamethrin, n = 5; permethrin, n = 5; α-cypermethrin, n = 5; DDT, n = 4;
pirimiphos-methyl, n = 4; bendiocarb, n = 8). b, Effect of attenuation of dsCSP4
on mortality after insecticide exposure in Tiassalé mosquitoes (right bars;
deltamethrin, n = 3; permethrin, n = 3; α-cypermethrin, n = 3; DDT, n = 3;
pirimiphos-methyl, n = 3; bendiocarb, n = 3) compared with dsGFP-injected
controls (left bars, green patterned; deltamethrin, n = 5; permethrin, n = 5;
α-cypermethrin, n = 5; DDT, n = 4; pirimiphos-methyl, n = 4; bendiocarb, n = 8).

c, Effect of attenuation of dsCSP6 on mortality after insecticide exposure in
Tiassalé mosquitoes (right bars; deltamethrin, n = 6; permethrin, n = 4;
α-cypermethrin, n = 4; DDT, n = 3; pirimiphos-methyl, n = 4; bendiocarb, n = 5)
compared with dsGFP-injected controls (left bars, green patterned;
deltamethrin, n = 5; permethrin, n = 5; α-cypermethrin, n = 5; DDT, n = 4;
pirimiphos-methyl, n = 4; bendiocarb, n = 8). Analysis of mortality data was
done using an ANOVA followed by a Tukey post hoc test; n.s indicates a non-
significant change in mortality; *P ≤ 0.05. dsCSP6 μmortality = 1 1 .7–31 .6%,
P = 0.0474. N indicates the number of individual mosquitoes used for
phenotyping; points show the number of bioassay replicates per group. Data
are mean ± s.d.
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