Nature - USA (2020-01-16)

(Antfer) #1

Extended Data Table 4 | Emission from the G objects

We report properties of this emission: flux densities, spectral and spatial widths (as FWHM), and signal-to-noise ratios (S/N). The L′ flux densities come from NIRC2 2012 measurements (G1 is
brighter in earlier epochs^17 ). The total flux density for Brγ and [Fe iii] (2.2184 μm) come from OSIRIS (average of all observing). For comparison, we report G1 and G2 measurements from 2006
where all G objects are detectable in OSIRIS data. All fluxes are dereddened^34. The spectral and spatial FWHM (an average of the x- and y-FWHM) are measured for Brγ. These values are not
corrected for instrumental line width and PSF size (respectively ~100 km s−1 and ~75 mas). The S/N of the other [Fe iii] line has a value of ~6 for all objects.

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