Photo Plus - UK (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1

The Canon Magazine 37


Shoot past the moment

Once you’ve got the shot you were
aiming for, continue photographing the
scene for a minute or two – the family have
all smiled at the camera, for example, but
what else might they do now? Having got

the safe shot, now see if you can capture
something unexpected to push your
creativity and give you more opportunities.
Giving children some quiet moments to
explore and do their own thing can lead to
more intimate photographs that will really
bring back memories for years to come.


Group shots from a distance

Giving a family space can help them to relax and be themselves.
A long lens (like a 70-200mm) will help you to get far back, but still have
the family fill the frame. Once you’ve loosened the family up with some
shots taken from a distance, switch to a shorter lens (such as a 50mm)
and come in closer for variety. Use Evaluative metering for group shots.


Get to know other children

Spending time with kids of all ages will let
you understand little ones, help predict what they
might do next and how best to work with them.
Being tuned in to what kids are into will give you
an invaluable bag of tricks – being able to sing the
theme tune to the TV show of the moment, for
example, will win you many hearts!

Get to know your
subjects, but give
them space by
switching lenses

Quiet moments can help
children, and parents,
open up a bit


70-200mm f/2.8

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