Nature - USA (2020-01-23)

(Antfer) #1


Extended Data Fig. 1 | Single-cell RNA-seq information and molecular
diversity of single cells. a, Scheme of bioinformatic analysis. b, Expression of
known markers shown using the same layout as in Fig. 1b. Grey, no expression;
red, relative expression. c, Heat map showing the expression level and identity
of genes in all cells in the developing hippocampus. Sample sizes: astrocytes,
703; Cajal–Retzius cells, 101; endothelial cells, 540; non-DG ExN, 8,199; MGE-
derived InN, 6,377; microglia, 2,660; oligodendrocytes, 209; OPCs, 1,250;

progenitors, 2,486; DG ExN, 2, 516; CGE-derived InN, 5,375. d, t-SNE plots of cells
in the hippocampus. Two repetitions of GW22 are labelled in different shapes,
and no obvious distribution differences are observed among the different
batches from the same embryo stages. Each cell colour represents the
gestational week. Sample size: GW16, 4,411 cells; GW18, 4,035 cells; GW20,
10,101 cells; GW22#01, 1,617 cells; GW22#02, 2,485 cells; GW25, 2,824 cells;
GW27, 4,943 cells.
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