Nature - USA (2020-01-23)

(Antfer) #1

Extended Data Fig. 2 | Representative z-series of an 8- and a 10-d.p.f. embryo.
This figure is related to Fig. 1f, g. a, Series of confocal z-sections of the 8-d.p.f.
embryo stained for OCT4 (green), GATA6 (grey) and CK7 (red). The PYS cavity
(white arrows) was surrounded by few GATA6+ PrEs. Similar phenotypes were
observed in 3 out of 4 embryos from three independent experiments. b, Series

of confocal z-sections of the whole embryo stained for OCT4 (green), GATA6
(grey) and CK7 (red) showing that the PYS cavity in the 10-d.p.f. embryo
becomes more distinct. Similar phenotypes were observed in 3 out of 3
embryos from three independent experiments. The yolk sac cavity (red arrows)
was surrounded by GATA6+ PrEs. Scale bars, 50 μm.
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