Nature - USA (2020-01-23)

(Antfer) #1

Extended Data Fig. 10 | Comparison of monkey and human EPI development.
a, PCA of the EPI lineage as determined by the expressed genes among all
groups of EPIs during development in human (hu) (circles) and cynomolgus
monkey (cy) (squares). In total, 12,475 out of 16,487 annotated gene expressed
among human and monkey cells (human, 222 cells; monkey 213 cells) were
used. b, Heat map of 966 genes that highly contributed to PC1 (>2 s.d. of PC1).
c, Heat map of 1,152 genes with significant scores for PC2 and PC3 loading
(radius of PC2 and PC3 > 3 s.d.) during monkey and human EPI development.
None of the 1,151 genes overlapped with 996 genes with significant scores for
PC1 loading. d, The violin plots of pluripotency genes over EPI pluripotency
transition in monkey embryos. Monkey scRNA-seq data were from a published
database^39. e, The violin plots of pluripotency genes during the EPI
pluripotency transition in human embryos. We observed stable expressions of

S TAT 3 and TBX3 with a trend of gradually increasing of UTF1, NR0B1, LIFR and
SOX15 during human EPI pluripotent state transition. f, The violin plots showed
dynamics of BMP signalling pathway gene expression in EPI pluripotency
transition of human and monkey embryos. Monkey scRNA-seq data were
obtained from a published database^8. g, The violin plots showed dynamics of
FGF signalling pathway gene expression in EPI pluripotency transition of
human and monkey embryos. h, The violin plots showed dynamics of Notch
signalling pathway gene expression in EPI pluripotency transition of human
embryos. In d–h, all violins have the same maximum width, black dot denotes
the mean. In e–h, AME and intermediate state cells were excluded in the
synthesis and only included 136 single cells. Monkey scRNA-seq data were
obtained from a published database^8. See also Supplementary Table 7.
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