Nature - USA (2020-01-23)

(Antfer) #1


Extended Data Fig. 6 | H2A.Z regulates early-replication origins and
replication timing. a, Venn diagram showing the overlap between early-
replication domains identified from our BrdU-IP-seq data (n = 3,362) and Repli-
seq data sets in ref.^21 (n = 4,727). b, Distribution of ORC1 peaks and the 10-min
BrdU signal (labelled in cells immediately after release from G1/S arrest) in
length-normalized early-replication domains. c, Real-time PCR analysis of ChIP
signals from H2A.Z, H4K20me2 and ORC1, and nascent-strand signals in siNC
or siH2A.Z cells at target 3 (an early replication origin). d, Dot plot showing the

correlation between the replication timing of replication domains (n = 3, 362)
identified by the 10-min BrdU signal and the dynamics of the 10-min BrdU signal
after H2AFZ knockdown. r, Pearson’s correlation coefficient. e, Genome tracks
of an early-replication domain show the decreased 10-min BrdU signal after
H2AFZ knockdown. RT, replication timing. Data in panel c are means ± s.e.m.;
n = 3 biological replicates; two-tailed unpaired t-test. The BrdU-seq
experiments in panels b, e were independently repeated twice with
similar results.
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