Nature - USA (2020-01-23)

(Antfer) #1

E6 | Nature | Vol 577 | 23 January 2020

Corrections & amendments

Author Correction:

Molecular architecture of

lineage allocation and

tissue organization in

early mouse embryo

Correction to: Nature

Published online 7 August 2019

Guangdun Peng, Shengbao Suo, Guizhong Cui, Fang Yu, Ran Wang,
Jun Chen, Shirui Chen, Zhiwen Liu, Guoyu Chen, Yun Qian,
Patrick P. L. Tam, Jing-Dong J. Han & Naihe Jing

In Extended Data Fig. 6a of this Letter, for consistency with the main
figures, the labels ‘A’ and ‘P’ should be ‘Epi1’ and ‘Epi2’, respectively,
and labels ‘EA’ and ‘EP’ should be ‘En1’ and ‘En2’, respectively. In Sup-
plementary Table 6, the content of the table was wrongly calculated
owing to an error during coding. In Supplementary Table 7, the label
‘Epi1.E7.5’ should be ‘Ect1.E7.5’ for consistency with the main figures.
These errors do not affect the conclusions of the Letter. All errors have
been corrected online.

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