Nature - USA (2020-02-13)

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300 | Nature | Vol 578 | 13 February 2020


RAD23B drives LLPS of ubiquitin chains

These results raised the possibility that RAD23B is directly involved
in liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) of ubiquitylated proteins. To
determine this in vitro, we incubated fluorescently labelled RAD23B
and K48-linked polyubiquitin (K48Ub) chains in the presence of poly-
ethylene glycol (PEG), used as a crowding reagent (Extended Data
Fig. 9a–c). On mixing, RAD23B and K48Ub chains formed spherical
condensates in which the two different fluorescent signals were uni-
formly distributed (Fig. 4d). FRAP analysis revealed rapid exchanges
of both RAD23B and K48Ub chains, suggesting co-phase separation
of RAD23B and K48Ub chains (Extended Data Fig. 9d). Consistent
with the properties of liquid droplets, small condensates fused into
larger ones of up to micrometre size (Fig. 4e, Supplementary Video 7).
RAD23B lacking the UBL domain caused formation of amorphous
protein aggregates, whereas RAD23B lacking the UBA domains did
not form condensates at all (Fig. 4d). As RAD23B prefers K48Ub chains
with four or more ubiquitin molecules^25 ,^27 , co-phase separation of
RAD23B/K48Ub chains was dependent not only on the concentra-
tion of each protein but also on the length of K48Ub chains (Fig. 4f,
Extended Data Fig. 9e). Although long K63-linked ubiquitin chains
could form condensates with RAD23B, the efficiency was lower than
that of K48Ub chains (Extended Data Fig. 9e). Thus, multivalent inter-
actions between long K48Ub chains and two UBA domains of RAD23B
drive liquid–liquid phase separation.


In this study, we identified a proteasome-containing structure that is
induced by hyperosmotic stress. The fluid organization arises from
LLPS of ubiquitylated proteins and RAD23B, followed by proteasome
recruitment. Proteasome condensates were prominently observed in
the nucleoplasm, probably because hyperosmotic stress results in a
further increase in the nuclear concentration of proteasomes, RAD23B
and ubiquitylated substrates, and in particular, ubiquitylated orphan
RPs, owing to nucleolar stress (Fig. 4g). Although its functional impor-
tance is not fully understood, the condensation appears to facilitate
proteasomal degradation, because ribosomal condensates were sta-
bilized by inhibition of the proteasome or p97 (Extended Data Fig. 7).
Moreover, in RAD23B-KO cells, as in cells treated with E1 inhibitor,
small amorphous structures of RPL29 were observed, suggesting that
condensation of ubiquitylated proteins might protect against protein
aggregation (Extended Data Fig. 7). Given that unassembled RPs stimu-
late p53 activation^28 , failure of ribosomal condensate formation might
cause apoptosis. Indeed, RAD23B-KO cells underwent apoptosis in
response to mild hyperosmotic stress (Extended Data Fig. 8e, f ). Con-
versely, recent studies showed a conversion from liquid-like droplets
to solid-like assemblies of aggregation prone proteins, most of which
the proteasome can degrade only in reversible aggregated forms^3 ,^4 ,^29 ,^30.
In this context, acute hyperosmotic stress may risk irreversible accu-
mulation of protein aggregates, especially when the proteasome or
p97 activity is reduced.
It remains unclear whether multivalent interactions between
ubiquitin chains and ubiquitin-binding proteins universally induce
LLPS in cells. Given that cells contain numerous ubiquitin-binding
proteins that regulate multiple cellular pathways, and in light of
the profound functional consequences of biomolecular condensa-
tion, it will be of great interest to investigate their ability to pro-
mote LLPS of ubiquitylated proteins as well as their physiological

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acknowledgements, peer review information; details of author con-
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availability are available at

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