26 | LAB+LIFE SCIENTIST - Feb/Mar 2019 http://www.LabOnline.com.au | http://www.LifeScientist.com.au
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Real-time cell history recorder
The JuLI Stage is a real-time cell history recorder and
digital fluorescence imaging analyser designed to sup-
port cell biology research.
users can acquire cell images and videos from dif-
ferent cell culture plates (up to 384 wells) in an incuba-
tor. Equipped with a fully automated x-y-z stage and
multichannel imaging (three colour fluorescence — gFp,
rFp and DApI — and bright channel) and sensitive
filter-based optics, the stage can be optimised for a
variety of live cell assays. Time lapse images record the
whole history of a cell from beginning to end.
The image stitching functionality is suitable for analys-
ing tissue sections or stem cell colonies in the entire
well from individual high-resolution images. JuLI Stage
software is easy to use and can be remotely controlled,
allowing any user to monitor cell cultures and analyse
experimental data from outside the laboratory.
The product is suitable for monitoring cell proliferation,
fluorescence expression, angiogenesis, differentiation
and cytotoxicity, cell growth, migration studies, 3D
spheroid imaging, cell viability measurement, wound
healing, apoptosis and more.
ATA Scientific is the local distributor for the NanoEnTek
JuLI Stage live cell imaging and analysis system. The
company offers ongoing applications assistance and a
range of technical services, including operator training
and preventative maintenance.
ATA Scientific Pty Ltd