PC World - USA (2020-03)

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12 PCWorld MARCH 2020



Samsung Galaxy S20 v S20+: How

do the non-Ultra phones stack up?

To+ or not to +? BY MICHAEL SIMON


f you’ve got your eye on a new Galaxy
S20, chances are the Ultra is just too
much phone for you. It’s huge, powerful,
and, most importantly, crazy-expensive,
so most people are going to be choosing
between the classics: S20 and S20+. But
just because they don’t have Ultra branding,
doesn’t mean you’re getting a subpar

No matter which S20 you buy, you’re getting
a gorgeous phone, with extremely slim
bezels, a stunning screen, and a striking
camera array. Samsung isn’t straying too far
from its tried-and-true formula, but the S
definitely has a character all its own.
However, while anyone will be able to
pick the S20 out of a lineup of S10’s, there
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