PC World - USA (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1
MARCH 2020 PCWorld 127

arrow beside the To Books field box.

  1. Select “MasterDB.xlsx” from the list.

  2. In the second dialog: Before the
    Sheet, select the first spreadsheet on the list
    called “Master,” then click OK.

  3. Excel copies the sheet and relocates
    your cursor to the MasterDB. Notice the new

tab that says “Boston2.” Verify that the info in
cell A1 shows the store number followed by
a recent date (9/29/18 in this example). If
yes, you’re good to go.

  1. Right-click the tab of the original
    Boston spreadsheet and select Delete from
    the popup menu.

  2. Excel warns in a dialog
    box: You Can’t Undo...
    Delete or Cancel? If you’re
    certain you want to remove it
    click Delete. Why? Because
    you want to replace it with
    the NEW Boston sheet that
    the Boston manager sent to

  3. Move the Boston2 tab
    between the Master and
    Chicago tabs. If you keep
    the ‘2’ from Boston2, it will
    be easier to quickly
    recognize which sheets have
    been updated each month.

  4. Click Ctrl+ Home
    to relocate cursor to cell A1
    and re-enter this date
    formula: =TODAY(), (if this
    formula is missing), then
    press the Enter key

Execute the Macro

  1. Select the Developer tab
    again and click Stop
    Recording or press ALT+

Record the macro, combine the
data, delete duplicate sheets.
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