PC World - USA (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1
130 PCWorld MARCH 2020


course, because you are calculating all the
values in cell C2 from the first tab Boston
through the last tab Denver and entering the
totals in cell C2 of the Master. Then Enter key
is pressed).

  1. Up arrow, Ctrl+ C [Moves cursor back
    up to cell C2 and copies this formula]

  2. Right- Right- Shift- Right- Right-
    Right Enter [moves cursor to the right twice
    and stops on cell E2, press the Shift key and
    hold down while moving to the right three
    times, which highlights cells E2 thru H2,
    then press the Enter key].

  3. [While these cells are still highlighted,
    press] Shift+ Ctrl+ 4.

  4. Alt+ T+ M+ R [Press these keys

simultaneously or select the
Developer tab and click
Stop Recording].

Save, copy, and

  1. Ctrl+ Home.
    2. Save the Master file,
    3. Send copies of the
    MasterDB to all store

Debugging macros in Excel
is actually easier than you
might think. Printing and
reading through your macros will help you
learn more about how Excel’s macro
language (Visual Basic) works. You don’t
have to be a programmer to debug macros,
and the more you know, the easier it gets.

  1. First, create a simple macro so you can
    see what the various instructions look like in
    Visual Basic.

  2. Select the Developer tab, then click
    the Record macro icon/button.

  3. Enter the keystrokes that perform the
    task you are automating, then click the
    Macro Stop icon/button.

  4. To view your macro, click the Macros
    icon/button or press Alt+ F8.

  5. The Macros dialog appears,

Enter+ calculate formulas in Master for multiple sheets.
Free download pdf