PC World - USA (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1
MARCH 2020 PCWorld 137

photos from your Pictures Library. Adding
images gives you an opportunity to eyeball
image sizes and column widths and adjust
them as needed.

  1. Enter the schedule and agenda in
    column one. Use Century Gothic 14 (in
    black) for the body text and Century Gothic
    18 (in dark teal) for the headers.

  2. Enter the time and place plus the
    conference hosts in column two, with the
    same fonts and colors for the body text and

  3. Once satisfied with the final
    product, click Save As > Meet+Greet.docx
    (a regular Word document), so you can
    share or print.

  4. Before you exit, also save this
    document as a template. Click Save As >
    Save As Type, choose Word Template
    [*.dotx] from the list, and save as
    Meet+Greet.dotx. Next conference, the
    template is ready to get you started.
    Once you have some custom templates
    in your Custom Office Templates folder,
    when you open Word and select New,
    Word provides a new category on the
    backstage menu called Personal.
    Click this category to see and open
    your saved templates.

Some templates use interactive
controls for user input. For
example, imagine that once a
month, the branch managers,
Open your custom template under New > Personal. assistant managers, and loan

Create a custom event template.

Free download pdf