PC World - USA (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1
MARCH 2020 PCWorld 141

Note that if you want only specific words
in another language, such as c’est la vie in
the middle of a paragraph, then create a
character style called French.

  1. The Frame option is actually the Text
    Wrap feature, which includes how the text
    wraps around a graphic in a paragraph,
    the spacing around the graphic, and how
    it’s positioned on the page. Choose
    Numbering to define how you want the
    numbers to appear such as the standard
    Arabic numbers, Roman Numerals, or
    Characters; how they are spaced; and
    delineated such as with a period after or
    parentheses, etc. Bullets are also defined
    under this list choice, which provides
    standard and custom bullets.

  2. Next is the Shortcut Key options,
    which lets you choose a custom Shortcut key
    for your Paragraph or Character style, such
    as Ctrl+B for bold (which is a Word default),
    or define your own. Last on the list is Text
    Effects, which lets you define the color,
    gradient, pattern, outline, and transparency
    of a paragraph such as the title on the title
    page of a book or manual. Additional Text
    Effects include Shadow, Reflection, Glow,
    Soft Edges, and 3D Format.

The custom templates that you create or
modify from one of Microsoft’s stock

templates are stored at C:\Users\Owner\
Documents\Custom Office Templates,
where <Owner> is your login name. When
you open the Users folder, you’ll see your
login name on the list of folders. If not there,
it should be in the folder that’s actually called
Microsoft stores its templates at:
C:\Users\<your login name>\AppData\
Again, if you failed to create a unique
login name, this folder may be called
<Owner>. If you can’t find it, the AppData
folder and all of its files and subfolders are
To view the Hidden files:

  1. Select the Start/Windows button >

Where the personal custom templates and the stock
templates are located.
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