Amateur Photographer - UK (2020-03-14)

(Antfer) #1

22 14 March 2020 I I subscribe 0330 333 1113

When did you start taking
In May 2014 I bought my first
DSLR. I had a point and shoot,
which I had taken on safari a couple
of years earlier. I had an amazing
time, but was very frustrated
because everyone else kept pushing
their much bigger lenses in front of
me to get their photos. That was

what made me realise I really
wanted to learn about photography
and get it right.
It took me another couple of years
before I actually bought one,
though, and it wasn’t until I’d saved
up to go on another safari that I
took the plunge, getting a Canon
EOS-1D X, which I absolutely
adore. I spent the next month out in


Caron Steele led the way from round

two of Amateur Photographer of the Year

and walked away with the main prize.

Ailsa McWhinnie finds out how she did it


the garden photographing anything
that moved before going to Kenya.

After that first safari, were
you hooked?
Totally. It meant that the rest of my
waking hours were spent making
sure my business would earn me
enough money to visit amazing
countries. Photography gives me a
valid reason to travel, particularly
as a lone female. It means you can
see amazing things with a like-
minded group of people. I had
barely holidayed much before I took
up photography, but since being
bitten by the bug I’ve been lucky
enough to travel to Mongolia, Costa
Rica, Botswana, the Arctic,
Antarctica, the Galapagos,
Yellowstone and Iceland, among
many other places. I’m now cutting
down on my flying because of
concerns about the environment –



This vibrant image of a frog
was taken in Costa Rica
Canon EOS-1D X Mark II, 100mm,
1/200sec at f/16, ISO 400


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