How To Become Vegan

(chitransh2891) #1

Dinner – There are so many vegan dinner options that you’ll surely find
tons of ideas just by Googling. When I first went vegan, I would often make
stir fried veggies for dinner because I liked having a lighter meal at the end
of the day. These days I often have udon or soba noodles with steamed
veggies, pasta with lots of veggies You’ll probably find that your dinner
options explode with variety when you go vegan. Animal eaters tend to eat
the same bland dinner meals over and over — they keep eating dead birds,
dead fish, dead cows, and dead pigs — but once you began exploring plant-
based meals, you’ll see just how much variety is possible. Your dinner
meals will probably look a lot more colorful too.
Learn the Basics – Eating vegan can be really easy if you want it to be.
While you may enjoy complex meals on occasion, it’s wise to get used to
the basics first. Start with simple vegan meals that are easy to prepare and
that you enjoy, such as a baked potato, pasta, rice with steamed veggies,
oatmeal, a veggie sandwich, or a fruit smoothie. Then you can complicate
and extend those meals for greater variety if you desire. A good way to
expand your horizons is to search for vegan recipes online, and you’ll get
tons of idea for meals to try.
If you simply dive in and learn as you go, you’ll quickly gain experience,
and you’ll see the variety in your diet increasing as you move away from

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