How To Become Vegan

(chitransh2891) #1

with some olive oil via a mister, and sprinkle it with salt and nutritional
yeast. It’s much lower in fat than cooking it in oil, and a light mist of olive
oil helps the salt and nutritional yeast stick to it.
Eggs – If you do a lot of baking, you can substitute Egg Replacer for
eggs; it’s made from potato starch. If you like scrambled eggs or omelettes,
learn to make tofu scramble. I used to love making omelettes for breakfast,
and tofu scramble was a satisfying way to transition. There are lots of
decent tofu scramble recipes to be found online, and it’s pretty easy to
make. By itself, tofu is very bland, but it picks up the flavors of whatever
you mix with it, so it’s extremely versatile. I like making tofu scramble with
sauteed onions or leeks, peppers, and zucchini with fresh chopped tomato
on top. If you want a cheesy flavor, mix in some Daiya cheese, or sprinkle
in some nutritional yeast. Many vegan restaurants that serve breakfast will
have a tofu scramble option. Some Whole Foods stores also have tofu
scramble available for breakfast in their salad bar area. Just be aware that
there are lots of different ways to make tofu scramble, so it may take some
testing to find a variation you like. I find that it goes especially good with
hot sauce since I like spicy food.
Sandwiches – During my low-awareness phase, I often had sandwiches
for lunch with slices of chicken flesh, turkey flesh, or pig flesh. It was
pretty easy to transition to veggie sandwiches. Instead of sliced up bodies of

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