1st Edition, Vol.1 CampusLandCuties Magazine

(ClubCampusLand) #1

Steamy, Dreamy ...

You & Meme


When you ‘NEED’ to express
your love, dream about me.
When you are alone, dream to be
with me. When there seems to be
no one else & you don’t even
have me ... Dream about me.

Believe that all things are possi-
ble. Believe that you have my
love. Believe that I am the ‘ONE’
with you & Believe that I desire
no one other than you. When
there is no hope .... Believe I am
your hope.

Steamy, Dreamy. You and
meme.. When it is dark & quiet
there is nothing yet you see see
me. (Me)

I am Love inside you presence. I
am the quiet whisper in your
mind. I am the subtle yet encour-
aging presence & the exciting yet
passionate sign.

Bring me flowers or I’ll be your
flower. Bring me nothing & I’ll
be glad you brought you &

Me like a river flowing. You like
a water Hose awaiting an open
nozzle. Ride in my raft ... I send
you where your going. Stay afloat
if you go under I’ll save you with
snorkel & goggle.

Dream about my Love. Dream
about happiness. Dream a
Steamy, Dreamy ... You and Me

+ Neico

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