Newsweek - USA (2020-03-20)

(Antfer) #1
trading. Today, it is reported that
only 5% of Americans hold bitcoins,
while the global number of digital
wallets barely surpasses the 46-mil-
lion mark.
Despite their decade-long exis-
tence, cryptos can sometimes feel
inaccessible and limited to a few mil-
lionaire-geeks, well-versed in block-
chain technology and aware of the
dangers presented by this volatile
market. Our ignorance of cryptos,
and ultimately, of their potential,
is well present among our politi-
cal class. In July 2019, self-dubbed
“America’s greatest President”, i.e.
Donald J. Trump, utilized his favorite
weapon of mass destruction, i.e.
Twitter, to unleash a scathing attack
against cryptos. These “unregulated
assets,” he argued, were based on
“thin air.”
Amusingly, the price of bit-
coin rose for three straight
days following his decla-
rations. What the Presi-
dent’s fury truly revealed,
however, was that cryp-
tocurrencies were too
often outside the public
debate and struggled to
be accepted, yet alone un-
derstood, by common people.
Could you imagine Trump, for ex-
ample, explaining with his unique
speaking style how cryptocurren-
cies function?
“A lot of very smart people;
great people, really great Ameri-
can people; are saying that cryp-
tos are a complicated thing. Really
complicated. First you got to have
blockchain, but not any blockchain,
it has to be a crypto blockchain. You
can’t just say that you have the same
blockchain all over the place... The
crooked Dems think it sounds nice
to say, ‘I have crypto blockchain;
here’s what it is’... But you know...
it won’t be crypto. They can’t get
crypto done. They can’t get anything
done. Sad.”

What do politics, traders and cryp-
tocurrencies all have in common?
If you answered that ‘none of them
have been keeping their promises,’
you’d be wrong. Now let’s not get
our hopes up. Politics hasn’t abruptly
changed overnight and even though
a “Political Revolution” is supposedly
underway, that is only according
to an almost-eighty-year-old male
candidate who has held office for
the past 40 years; not exactly a
‘new face’.
In comparison, the supposedly
complex world of crypto-trading is
currently experiencing a real revo-
lution; one that is led by a young
and fresh entrant called FTX.
Neither democrat nor republican,
this crypto-derivative exchange
platform has been attempting to
render cryptocurrency trading
both inclusive and accessible.
Created in April 2019 by
Sam Bankman-Fried, an

With its ‘2020 US Election’ prediction market, FTX, a Hong-Kong based company that imposed itself as a leading
cryptocurrency derivatives exchange, has been attracting more retail traders to an industry once considered complex.

Make Crypto Trading

Great Again

mined the first Bitcoin back in 2009,
he effectively gave birth to cryp-
tos. Right from the start, this new
medium of exchange that utilized
strong cryptographic protocols to
secure financial transactions held
the promise of a fairer and more
transparent currency. By 2014,
Bitcoins were accepted as a means
of payment on Overstock, a major
e-commerce platform. Three years
later, the world’s largest derivative
exchange, the Chicago Mercantile
Exchange, introduced Bitcoin fu-
tures for its traders.
But despite these achievements,
the general public has remained
somehow excluded from the world
of cryptocurrencies and crypto-

MIT Graduate with puffy-hair and
a keen eye for computers, FTX has,
in less than a year, imposed itself
as one of the leading candidates
of the crypto-sphere. In a matter
of months, the Hong Kong-based
company started generating daily
trade volumes that surpassed the
billion-dollar-mark; less time than
it took Senator Amy Klobuchar to
laboriously raise $15 million for her

A Needed Revolution
To truly understand the impact FTX
has had, we must take a trip to the
cryptic past of digital currencies.
When a pseudonymous developer
by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto


got YUGE



Now^ tradi
ng^ at^
$^0.^594 on
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