Macworld - USA (2020-04)

(Antfer) #1
80 Macworld • April 2020


increasingly uncomfortable relationship with the
US president and its close ties with the censorship-
happy government of China – a little less control
from the people in Cupertino would be preferable.
I’ve also long believed that Apple gets too much of
the benefit of the content from Apple News+, while
the actual content makers get comparatively little.
If Apple decided to let Apple News+ go the way of
AirPower, I might even be happy.
But it’s important to remember that – so far –
it looks as though Apple News+ is the only true
minus in Apple’s big metamorphosis into a part-
time services company. I believe it’s safe to say
that it was always considered the least important
of Apple’s new services (there was plenty of head-
scratching when Apple bought Texture, which Apple
News+ is based on). Apple is a services company
now, and for the most part, it’s a good one. It just
needs to stick to services where it has more control.
Maybe Apple News+ will get better: Apple Music,
which also had a slightly rough start, proves that’s a
possibility. But for now, one half-baked new service
out of three ain’t bad.
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