
(NAZIA) #1
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ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do our attitudes toward the past and future shape our actions?

Review your QuickWrite.
Summarize your thoughts in
one sentence to record in your
Evidence Log. Then, record textual
details or evidence from “Better
Never to Have Met at All” that
supports your initial position.
Prepare for the Performance-Based
Assessment at the end of the unit
by completing the Evidence Log
after each selection.

Title of Text: Date:

How does this text change or add to my thinking? Date:

Consider class discussions, presentations, the video, and the Launch Text as
you think about the prompt. Record your initial position here.
PROMPT: What is the relationship of human beings to time?

Tool Kit
Evidence Log Model

Unit Introduction 243

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Possible response:
Most human beings are struggling against time. Time flows onward at the same
pace, regardless of our desires. But most of us, at one time or another, wish we
could change that.
How many times have you thought back to a happy time or experience in your
past and wished you could relive it? Stressed-out high school seniors might wish
to return to a relaxed summer day at the beach or a pick-up softball game in
third grade. Adults might think back about their first love.
When we’re not dreaming about the past, we might be looking toward the
future. I wish it was 3:00 already! When will my birthday get here? Can’t wait
until vacation starts! But time never changes its speed or direction, not matter
how much we wish it would.

Students should use the material they have read
and viewed in the Unit Overview and Introduction
to develop and present their own answer to the
prompt. They should present their position clearly
and support it with accurately cited details and
logical reasoning.
Their responses here will come into play
when they complete the Performance-Based
Assessment at the end of the unit. Students
should make sure they consider all of the material
and discussions addressed thus far in the unit,
as well as their own personal experience, to
come up with a preliminary position about the
relationship of humans to time. However, explain
that students should stay open to the possibility
that their position will change as they delve
deeper into this question.
See possible QuickWrite on Student page.

Evidence Log for Facing the
Future, Confronting the Past
Students should record their initial position and
include evidence from “Better Never to Have Met
at All” that supports it.
If you have decided to print the Evidence Log,
distribute the copies now. Students will be able to
use it throughout the unit.


English Language Support
Supporting Opinions Some English learners may struggle with
written language and may be better able to express and support
their opinion orally. Give these students the option of meeting with
a partner to share their positions. Have each partner take a turn at
addressing the prompt orally: stating a position; giving supporting
details and reasons; and attempting to persuade his or her partner.
Have partners take notes and assist each other in recording their
positions, including details and reasons. EMERGING/EXPANDING

Performance-Based Assessment:
Refining Your Thinking

  • Have students watch the video on Refining
    Your Thinking.

  • A video on this topic is available online in
    the Professional Development Center.

Unit Introduction 243

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