
(NAZIA) #1
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Comprehension Check
Complete the following items after you finish your first read.

  1. What does Lady Macbeth reveal to the Gentlewoman and Doctor during her

  2. Why is Macbeth at first unafraid when he finally meets Macduff on the battlefield?

  3. Notebook Confirm your understanding of the text by writing a summary of Act V.

Research to Clarify Choose at least one unfamiliar detail from the text. Briefly research
that detail. In what way does the information you learned shed light on an aspect of
the play?

Research to Explore Choose something from the text that interested you, and formulate
a research question. Write your question here.

Discuss It How does viewing this video add to your
understanding of The Tragedy of Macbeth?
Write your response before sharing your ideas.

The Darkness in Macbeth’s
Human Characters


That calls upon us, by the grace of Grace
We will perform in measure, time, and place:^21
So thanks to all at once and to each one,
Whom we invite to see us crowned at Scone.
[Flourish. Exit all.]

  1. in measure... place fittingly
    at the appropriate time and



The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V 347

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Challenge Inform students that Shakespeare based many of his
history plays on Raphael Holinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland,
and Ireland. If possible, help students obtain a copy of the volume
of this work that tells the story of King Macbeth. Some versions are
available online via sources such as Project Gutenberg.
Ask students to closely read Holinshed’s version of the Macbeth
story. Then they might create a chart that compares and contrasts
Holinshed’s version with Shakespeare’s. Students might check both
writers’ versions against other library and online sources.

Media Connection
Project the media connection video in class or
ask students to open the video in their interactive
Discuss It Accept responses that are based on
details from the play and from the video. Some
students may say that viewing different actors’
portrayals of Macbeth helped them understand
that the character can be interpreted in more
than one way. For example, an older actor playing
the role might portray Macbeth as someone
who is embittered by long years without success.
A younger actor (such as Ethan Hawke) might
portray Macbeth as an upstart whose tragic flaw
stems from youthful, aggressive energy.

Extension Questions
The Comprehension Check tests students’
comprehension of the reading. If your students
would benefit from more rigorous critical-thinking
questions, assign the First Read Extension
Questions, found on Realize.

Comprehension Check

Possible responses:

  1. Lady Macbeth reveals that she and her husband
    murdered Duncan. She also reveals that her
    husband had Banquo killed.

  2. Macbeth is unafraid because he believes that he
    cannot be harmed by anyone “of woman born.”
    He does not know that Macduff had a Caesarean
    birth and is technically not “of woman born.”

  3. Possible response: Two watchers listen to Lady
    Macbeth as she sleepwalks around the castle.
    Lady Macbeth inadvertently reveals that she and
    her husband murdered Duncan and that Macbeth
    also murdered Banquo. Later in Act V, Lady
    Macbeth kills herself offstage. Macbeth is about
    to be attacked by Malcolm’s army, so he can’t
    take time to mourn. Malcolm’s army travels to
    Dunsinane to kill Macbeth and put Malcolm
    on Scotland’s throne. Macduff challenges
    Macbeth, who says he is protected by a charm
    that won’t allow him to be killed by anyone
    “of woman born.” Macduff replies that he isn’t
    “of woman born” (he was born by Caesarean
    section). They fight, and Macbeth dies.
    Malcolm becomes king, and everyone rejoices.

Research to Clarify If students struggle to
come up with a detail to research further, you
may want to suggest they focus on the use of
Research to Explore Suggest that students
research an area related to modern practice, such
as the changes in weapons over time.

Whole-Class Learning 347

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