
(NAZIA) #1
essential question: What does it take to survive?

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essential question: How do our attitudes toward the past and future shape our actions?

him a daughter, Mary. Desperate for a male
heir, Henry abandoned Catherine for a new
wife, Anne Boleyn. He petitioned the Pope for
a divorce, on the grounds that his marriage to
his brother’s widow was invalid. When the Pope
denied his petition to remarry, Henry refused to
comply, eventually severing all ties with Rome.
In 1534, he established the Protestant Church
of England with himself at its head. Religious
affiliation and allegiance to the king were
suddenly united.
After the death of Henry VIII in 1547, his young
son became Edward VI. The sickly youth died after
six years and was succeeded by his sister, Mary.

A devout Catholic like her mother, Catherine of
Aragon, Mary denied the validity of the church
her father had founded. Within months after
her accession to the throne, Protestant religious
leaders were imprisoned. In the course of Mary’s
reign, nearly 300 Protestants were burned at the
stake. At Mary’s death, her half sister, Elizabeth,
ascended to the throne and returned England to
Protestant control.
The English Renaissance The Renaissance in
Europe had begun in the fourteenth century,
at about the same time that the English poet
Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales. Italy was
experiencing great change, and from that


1534: Henry VIII establishes
Church of England.
1547: Henry VIII dies.

1533: Peru Pizarro
conquers Incas.

1543: Nuremberg First
edition of Copernicus’ On the
Revolutions of the Celestial
Spheres is published.

1513: North America
Ponce de León explores Florida.

1521: Italy Pope Leo X
excommunicates Martin Luther.


Number of Books
Licensed for Publication
in England
1509 38

1558 77

1603 328

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas

Notebook In the mid-1400s, the German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg
developed a revolutionary system of using movable type to increase the efficiency
of the printing press. Suddenly, the printing of books became a faster and cheaper
process. How do you think this invention would affect learning, and how in turn
would that affect society? How might the statistics below relate to a rise in literacy
in Renaissance England?

Historical Perspectives 247

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English Language Support
Vocabulary in Context Help students understand the definitions
of the following words: renaissance, vernacular, reformation,
revolutionary, and ascend. You may decide to study the word parts
in each term, consult online dictionary resources, or use direct
instruction to support their learning. Remind them that words can
serve as titles of eras or events if capitalized, but they retain their
basic meaning. Instruct them to make note of where these words
appear in this Historical Perspectives section and write in their own
words what these words refer to in this context. EXPANDING

Integration of Knowledge
and Ideas
Have students analyze the data in the chart and
draw conclusions to answer the question.
Possible response: As more people gained access
to printing presses, books could be printed more
quickly, cheaply, and easily. This created a more
well-educated society. The rise in the number of
books licensed for publication indicates that the
demand for books increased as more people learned
how to read.
You may want to ask students to consider the
power of the use of cell phones and email and the
difference in communication between their parents’
generation and their own. Ask students to think
about how the information explosion in their own
lifetimes has impacted our society. This may help
them put the importance of the printing press in

Tell students to examine the1485−1550 Timeline
and reflect on the key events.
Encourage a discussion by asking them to suggest
categories that describe these events.
Possible responses: art, science, exploration,
religion, discovery, and politics

Whole-Class Learning 247

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