
(NAZIA) #1
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ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do our attitudes toward the past and future shape our actions?ESSENTIAL QUESTION: In what ways does the struggle for freedom change with history?

Write It
As you revise your response to literature, look for places you might use
transition words or introductory phrases or clauses to connect ideas. Look
especially for ways to connect your evidence to your claim or one piece of
evidence to the next. Here are some transition words that are appropriate for
formal writing.


addition again, besides, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, too

cause/effect accordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, therefore, thus

comparison also, in the same way, similarly

although, conversely, despite that, even though, however, in contrast, instead,
nevertheless, on the other hand, regardless, yet

emphasis certainly, especially, indeed, in fact, surely

after all, for example, for instance, in other words, in particular, namely,
specifically, that is

summary altogether, finally, in brief, in conclusion, in essence, to summarize

•   Read over your first draft. Are the connections between ideas and from
paragraph to paragraph clear? Could you vary the beginnings of sentences
by adding a word, a phrase, or a clause that clarifies the links between
your examples or your evidence and your claim?
• Take notes on your draft and write your new ideas for rewording here.


College and Career Readiness

Performance Task: Write an Argument 365

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Strategic Support
Developing a Formal Style Some students may struggle with formal
writing style. Have them draft their arguments in a conversational
style to get their ideas on paper without worrying about voice. Then,
pair students. Partners should exchange papers and identify slang
terms, exaggeration, contractions, and pronouns in each other’s
writing. Have students work together to rid their formal writing of
these conversational elements.

to the conventions of each genre,
such as stage directions in drama and
dialogue in fiction. All genres have
value; for example, poetry is powerful
and likely easier for ESL students
because of its condensed vocabulary.
These assignments can be linked to
word networks, too.

Write It
Instruct students to vary their use of transitional
words and phrases throughout their writing. Have
them use the chart and the Internet as sources
for finding appropriate transitional words and
phrases that will help them connect their ideas.
Have volunteers share their “before” and “after”
sentences with the class. Write sentences on
the board and have students suggest alternative
transitional words or phrases that would work in
the sentences as well.

Whole-Class Learning 365

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