
(NAZIA) #1
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  1. According to the speaker, when does time hurry, and when does it slow down?

  2. What request does the speaker ask of Time?


  1. What happens twice to the name the speaker writes in the sand?

  2. How does the speaker’s beloved respond to his actions?

  3. How does the speaker plan to immortalize his beloved?

Research to Clarify Choose at least one unfamiliar detail from one of the poems.
Briefly research that detail. In what way does the information you learned shed light
on an aspect of the poem?

Research to Explore Use Internet or library resources to locate media
interpretations, such as audio or video recordings, of these poems. You might want
to compare and contrast different interpretations of the same poem and share your
reactions with your group.

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Sonnet 32

  1. Time hurries in moments of love and happiness
    and slows down in times of sorrow and despair.

  2. The speaker asks time to slow down during joyful
    times so that they will seem to last longer.
    Sonnet 75

  3. The speaker writes his beloved’s name in the sand,
    and when it is washed away, he rewrites it.

  4. She tells him it is useless to try to immortalize a
    person (herself), because people are mortal.

  5. The speaker claims that by describing his beloved’s
    virtues in his poetry, he will immortalize her.

Research to Clarify If students are struggling
to identify a detail from the text, then have
them reword each sonnet and notice an idea
or concept that might be new to them, such as
suggestions of immortality.
Research to Explore If students struggle to
locate media interpretations of the sonnets, then
suggest that they use the following key words
in searching on the Internet: “Shakespearean
sonnets audio recording,” “Shakespearean
sonnets video recording,” “Edmund Spenser
Sonnet 75 audio recording,” and “Edmund
Spenser Sonnet 75 video recording.” Some
well-known actors, including Ruby Dee, Sir John
Gielgud, Al Pacino, and Kathleen Turner have
recorded Shakespeare’s sonnets.

Music Remind students that many song lyrics are forms of poetry
set to music. Have students choose one of the five sonnets in the
selection and either set it to music or perform it as a rap. Encourage
individual group members to present their performances for either
the group or the class as a whole.

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