
(NAZIA) #1
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First-Read Guide

Use this page to record your first-read ideas.

Selection Title:

CONNECT ideas within the selection to
other knowledge, the Essential Question,
and the selections you have read. Use reliable
reference material to clarify historical context.

RESPOND by writing a brief summary of
the selection.

ANNOTATE by marking vocabulary and key
passages you want to revisit.

Tool Kit
First-Read Guide and
Model Annotation

NOTICE new information or ideas you learn
about the unit topic as you first read this text.

Reading Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.


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You may wish to direct students to use the
generic First-Read and Close-Read Guides
in the Print Student Edition. Alternatively,
you may wish to print copies of the genre-specific
First-Read and Close-Read Guides for students.
These are available online in the Interactive
Student Edition or Unit Resources.


Students should perform the steps of the first
read independently.
NOTICE: In order to understand what is
happening in the selection, students should focus
on the basic elements of the text.
ANNOTATE: Students should look for and mark
any passage they want to revisit during their
close read.
CONNECT: Connecting what they’re reading
to other texts and to personal experiences will
increase students’ comprehension of the text.
RESPOND: Students will demonstrate their
understanding of the text by writing a summary
of it.
Point out to students that while they will
always complete the Respond step at the end
of the first read, the other steps will probably
happen somewhat concurrently. Remind students
that they will revisit their first-read annotations
during the close read.

Personalize for learning

Strategic Support
Annotations To help students organize their first-read
annotations for a later revisit during the close read,
encourage them to annotate words or passages and then
apply a code. The codes will differentiate annotations
according to their purpose or relationship to the text and/
or student. Direct students to the Tool Kit to see a model
of the use of the codes.

Annotation Codes
* Key Idea
! I love it!
? I have questions
O Unfamiliar or important word
---- Context Clues

After students have completed the
First-Read Guide, you may wish to assign
the Text Questions for the selection that are
available in the Interactive Teacher’s Edition.

Anchor Standards
In the first two sections of the unit, students
worked with the whole class and in small
groups to gain topical knowledge and
greater understanding of the skills required
by the anchor standards. In this section, they
are asked to work independently, applying
what they have learned and demonstrating
increased readiness for college and career.

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