
(NAZIA) #1
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Share Your Independent learning
Prepare to Share
How do our attitudes toward the past and future shape
our actions?
Even when you read or learn something independently, your understanding
continues to grow when you share what you have learned with others.
Reflect on the text you explored independently, and write notes about its
connection to the unit. In your notes, consider why this text belongs in
this unit.


Learn from Your Classmates
Discuss It Share your ideas about the text you explored on your own.
As you talk with your classmates, jot down ideas that you learn from them.

Review your notes, and mark the most important insight you gained from
these writing and discussion activities. Explain how this idea adds to your
understanding of the ways in which our attitudes toward the past and future
shape our actions.

 EvIDENcE^ log
Go to your Evidence Log
and record what you learned
from the text you read.

 StandardS
Speaking and Listening
Initiate and participate effectively
in a range of collaborative
discussions with diverse partners
on grades 11–12 topics, texts, and
issues, building on others’ ideas and
expressing their own clearly and


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Preparing Students to Be Powerful
Speakers Use these suggestions to
help students develop the ability to
speak confidently in large discussions or

  1. To help students overcome their fear
    of public speaking, have them visualize
    success, practice and get feedback on

their speech, and exercise briefly before
the speech to release stress.

  1. Emphasize the importance of speaking
    loudly and clearly when presenting to
    the class. The farther away a listener
    is, the louder a speaker must talk to
    be heard clearly. Also have students

practice speaking with clarity and
articulation, paying special attention
to not slurring contractions, reversing
sounds, omitting letters, and adding

  1. As students share in whole groups,
    remind them to listen carefully and

Share Your
Independent Learning

Prepare to Share
Explain to students that sharing what they
learned from their Independent Learning selection
provides classmates who read a different selection
with an opportunity to consider the text as a
source of evidence during the Performance-Based
Assessment. As students prepare to share, remind
them to highlight how their selection connects
to the question How do our attitudes toward the
past and future shape our actions?

Learn from Your Classmates
As students discuss the Independent Learning
selections, direct them to take particular note of
how their classmates’ chosen selections align with
their current position on the Performance-Based
Assessment question.

Students may want to add their reflection to their
Evidence Log, particularly if their insight relates to
a specific selection from the unit.

Make it interactive
Have students write the title of the selection they
read and their insight on an index card. Collect
the cards. One by one, read the insight from a
card and challenge students to decide which
selection inspired it.
Evidence Log Support students in completing
their Evidence Log. This paced activity will
help prepare them for the Performance-Based
Assessment at the end of the unit.

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