
(NAZIA) #1
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Review Evidence for an Argument
At the beginning of this unit, you took a position on the following topic:
What is the relationship of human beings to time?

 EviDENCE lOg
Review your Evidence Log and your QuickWrite from the beginning of the
unit. Has your position changed?

Identify a historical example of the reason you identified:

Evaluate the Strength of Your Evidence Which two texts that you read
in this unit offer the strongest support for your topic sentence?

Write the titles here.

What are some other resources you might use to locate information about
the topic?

Develop your thoughts into a topic sentence:
How the passage of time shapes our actions can be shown through:

 STaNdardS
Introduce precise, knowledgeable
claim(s), establish the significance
of the claim(s), distinguish the
claim(s) from alternate or opposing
claims, and create an organization
that logically sequences claim(s),
counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.

PERfoRmAncE-BAsEd AssEssmEnt PREP 407

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Review Evidence for an
Evidence Log Make sure students understand
that their opinions on an issue can change as
they learn more about it and as they encounter
other points of view. Remind students that their
Evidence Log tracked the growth of their thinking
during the unit. As they carefully consider what
they’ve learned and the evidence they’ve found,
the initial position they took on the question
What is the relationship of human beings to
time? might continue to change.

Evaluate the Strength of
Your Evidence
Students have the choice of many different
sources when looking for information about the
topic, including:

  • the texts themselves

  • students’ answers to questions about the texts

  • students’ Evidence Logs
    Students need to judge, not just the quantity of
    the evidence they gather about their topic, but
    also the quality of that evidence. Discuss what
    might make evidence more credible, and suggest
    these questions:

  • Does the evidence come from reliable sources?

  • Has the evidence been reviewed by experts for

  • Is the credibility of references confirmed by the
    source of the evidence?

fully before responding, take notes while
listening so they can respond on point, and
speak with courtesy and respect. They may
also wish to draft points for a response
quickly before speaking.

  1. To field questions, tell students to repeat the
    question before answering it, as this allows

a few seconds to think about a response as
well as makes sure that everyone hears the

Performance-Based Assessment Prep 407

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