
(NAZIA) #1


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Reflect on the Unit
Now that you’ve completed the unit, take a few moments to reflect on
your learning.

Reflect on the Unit Goals
Look back at the goals at the beginning of the unit. Use a different colored
pen to rate yourself again. Then, think about readings and activities that
contributed the most to the growth of your understanding. Record your

Reflect on the Learning Strategies
Discuss It Write a reflection on whether you were able to improve your
learning based on your Action Plans. Think about what worked, what didn’t,
and what you might do to keep working on these strategies. Record your
ideas before joining a class discussion.

Reflect on the Text
Choose a selection that you found challenging, and explain what made it

Describe something that surprised you about a text in the unit.

Which activity taught you the most about our relationship to time? What
did you learn?

Speaking and Listening

  • Initiate and participate effectively
    in a range of collaborative
    discussions with diverse partners
    on grades 11–12 topics, texts, and
    issues, building on others’ ideas and
    expressing their own clearly and

  • Come to discussions prepared,
    having read and researched material
    under study; explicitly draw on that
    preparation by referring to evidence
    from texts and other research on
    the topic or issue to stimulate a
    thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange
    of ideas.

Performance-Based Assessment 411

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English Language Support
Reflections English learners may struggle to
connect related ideas in their reflections. To
address this, have students write their ideas in list
form. Then, work with individual students to help
them connect related ideas.

Assist students in creating compound sentences
using and, but, or so and complex sentences
using because. EMERGING
Assist students in creating compound and
complex sentences that link concrete and abstract

Reflect on the Unit

  • Have students watch the video on Reflecting
    on Your Learning.

  • You may choose to watch the video on this
    topic that is available online in the Professional
    Development Center.

Reflect on the Unit Goals
Students should reevaluate how well they met
the Unit Goals now that they have completed
the unit. You might ask them to provide a
written commentary on the goal they made the
most progress with as well as the goal they feel
warrants continued focus.

Reflect on the Learning Strategies
Discuss It If you want to make this a digital
activity, go online and navigate to the Discussion
Board. Alternatively, students can share their
learning strategies reflections in a class discussion.

Reflect on the Text
Consider having students share their text
reflections with one another.

Have students each prepare a short, creative
presentation about the reading that contributed
most to the growth of their understanding.
Students may present in any way they choose,
such as a visual presentation, an audio recording,
or an oral presentation. Set aside a class period
for student presentations.

Unit Test and Remediation
After students have completed the
Performance-Based Assessment, administer
the Unit Test. Based on students’ performance
on the test, assign the resources as indicated
on the Interpretation Guide to remediate.
Students who take the test online will be
automatically assigned remediation, as
warranted by test results.

Performance-Based Assessment 411

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