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Macbeth. Still it cried “Sleep no more!” to all the house:
“Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor
Shall sleep no more: Macbeth shall sleep no more.”
Lady Macbeth. Who was it that thus cried? Why, worthy Thane.
You do unbend^9 your noble strength, to think
So brainsickly of things. Go get some water,
And wash this filthy witness^10 from your hand.
Why did you bring these daggers from the place?
They must lie there: go carry them, and smear
The sleepy grooms with blood.
Macbeth. I’ll go no more.
I am afraid to think what I have done;
Look on ’t again I dare not.
Lady Macbeth. Infirm of purpose!
Give me the daggers. The sleeping and the dead
Are but as pictures. ’Tis the eye of childhood

(^45) 9. unbend relax.

  1. witness evidence.


 Macbeth murders Duncan, the king of Scotland.

The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act II 285

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English Language Support
Make Inferences Review Lady Macbeth’s speech in Scene ii,
lines 64–72. Help students make inferences about the action
that has taken place in Scene ii. Provide them with a two-
column chart and have them work in pairs to complete it.
Provide frames as needed for discussion.
• It seems that ____ because ____.
• When ____ happens, it indicates to me that ____. ____
creates the impression that ____.
• Consequently, I think that ____. ALL LEVELS

Action in the Play Inference
Macbeth sees a vision of the dagger. He is feeling guilt about what he is going to do.
Macbeth cannot say “Amen.” He is feeling guilt about committing the murder.
Macbeth says that “Glamis has murdered

He refers to himself, saying he will never sleep
again because of what he has done.
Lady Macbeth takes the daggers from Macbeth. She thinks he is a coward.

Whole-Class Learning 285

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