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Third Murderer. Macbeth.
Second Murderer. He needs not our mistrust; since he delivers
Our offices^1 and what we have to do
To the direction just.^2
First Murderer. Then stand with us.
The west yet glimmers with some streaks of day.
Now spurs the lated traveler apace
To gain the timely inn, and near approaches
The subject of our watch.
Third Murderer. Hark! I hear horses.
Banquo. [Within] Give us a light there, ho!
Second Murderer. Then ’tis he. The rest
That are within the note of expectation^3
Already are i’ th’ court.
First Murderer. His horses go about.^4
Third Murderer. Almost a mile: but he does usually—
So all men do—from hence to th’ palace gate
Make it their walk.
[Enter Banquo and Fleance, with a torch]
Second Murderer. A light, a light!
Third Murderer. ’Tis he.
First Murderer. Stand to ’t.
Banquo. It will be rain tonight.
First Murderer. Let it come down.
[They set upon Banquo.]
Banquo. O, treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly, fly, fly!
[Exit Fleance.]
Thou mayst revenge. O slave! [Dies.]
Third Murderer. Who did strike out the light?
First Murderer. Was’t not the way?^5
Third Murderer. There’s but one down; the son is fled.
Second Murderer. We have lost best half of our affair.
First Murderer. Well, let’s away and say how much is done.

⌘ ⌘ ⌘

Scene iv • The palace.

[Banquet prepared. Enter Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Ross, Lennox,
Lords, and Attendants.]
Macbeth. You know your own degrees:^1 sit down:

  1. offices duties.
    5 2. direction just exact detail.

10 3. within... expectation on the
list of expected guests.

  1. His... about His horses have
    been taken to the stable.


  1. way thing to do.

  2. degrees ranks. At state
    banquets, guests were seated
    according to rank.

ANNOTATE: Mark the short
statements in lines 15–18.
QUESTION: What is happening
in these lines—what action
accompanies this minimal
CONCLUDE: How does the quick,
almost wordless presentation of
this scene add to its effect?

The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act III 303

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Remind students that authors use a variety of
sentence types in their work to make the writing
interesting and to achieve certain effects. You
may wish to model the Close Read using the
following think-aloud format. Possible responses
to questions on the student page are included.
ANNOTATE: I know that authors vary syntax,
using simple, compound, complex, long, and
short sentences. Each type can have a special
effect, but this question asks only about particular
sentences in lines 15−18. So as I read those lines,
I highlight them.
QUESTION: I notice that all the lines of dialogue
are very short.

CONCLUDE: The choppy dialogue affects
the meaning by conveying the murderers’
apprehension and nervousness as they wait for
Banquo, then clumsily attack him. The situation
is frenetic and the men just say anything to cover
their fears. Short sentences also convey the speed
of the action.

Whole-Class Learning 303

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