Photoshop User - USA (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1

[ 91 ]

with the average gray value. Repeat for other areas,
making certain that you’re always copying from the
Median filtered layer. Leave each solid block on its own
layer, select them in the Layers panel, and then press
Command-G (PC: Ctrl-G) to group the blocks together
so you can toggle all the layers on/off at the same time,
and lower the Opacity easily. This lets you compare the
value blocks with the original.
It’s important not to get too complex with your
selections. The goal is to simplify the image into graphic
blocks so you can analyze the characteristics you want
to look for. It’s also important to evaluate what you
actually discover, rather than trying to impose rules
on the work. Choose ranges of images with which to
work, including photographs, illustrations, posters,
paintings, etc.

When you start to consciously describe certain ele-
ments, you gain power over them. Looking at how
other artists use balance, weight, contrast, etc. gives
you more control to use them when you create. You
get to see the application of these elements by other
artists, and perhaps can be inspired to try something

new in your own art. My usual sources of inspiration
are Pinterest, Instagram, and any number of museum
websites. Of course, the KelbyOne Community forums
are full of examples from your fellow members.
As an exercise, go through some of your works and
mark them up for balance. Do you see something you’d
change? Will you uncover a theme that you yourself
weren’t aware of?
Here’s something else to think about: You get to
decide how to use—or not use—any characteristic you
desire. That means you can define the elements of bal-
ance and weight and contrast. Balance doesn’t have
to be across a straight line, nor does it only exist at
the large scale of the entire scene. Weight can include
color saturation, level of detail, and texture. Contrast is
any comparison to any level, not just extremes.
Keep focused on just a couple of related elements
and simplify. Then, moving forward into the creative
process, you can use similar techniques during devel-
opment. While composing a scene, imagine balancing
lines and directions. Take your shot as you intend, then
make intentional changes to the balance. Try to avoid
falling into the trap of rules and wondering if others
will like or understand what you’ve done; just explore
the concepts at play and assert yourself creatively.

Median filter result

Layer stack of blocks in group
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