Silver Powder, Dirt and Gold
By: Ashley Umbau Anak Franklin & Gabriella Francis
An adaptation from The Magic Powder by Greystroke
Once upon a time, in a little
village on the banks of the Irrawaddy
River, there lived a young couple,
Theingi and Thuza.
One day, Thuza was ploughing
the field while her husband, Theingi,
was daydreaming in the hut.
Feeling frustrated about the
shortage of food, Thuza yelled at
Theingi and told him to work.
Theingi boasted that he need
not work because he would soon know
how to turn dirt into gold.
Thuza just shook her head.
Disheartened, she started to cry.
Theingi had hurt his wife's
To cheer her up, he hurriedly
went into the forest to chop some
wood and forage for food.