A Buffalo to Market
By: Azzrah Hazlin Binti Hasmariza & Fatehah Asma Sachi
An adaptation from A Donkey to Market by Elaine Lindy
Long ago in Malaysia, there lived a farmerette and her daughter. The two
of them took good care of all the animals on the farm. One baby buffalo grew up
to be the most handsome and plumpest one they had ever seen. He stood tall and
had brown, smooth fur. Upon seeing the fine grown-up buffalo, the farmerette
said to her daughter, “Look at this strong buffalo! If only there were a need in
our village to buy a buffalo, we would get a good price for him. But all the farmers
I know already have buffalo. We need to go far away, where most farmers do not
have a buffalo, to get the best price for him.”
“How far?” said the girl. “Can I come?”
“It would be good to have you with me on a long trip,” said the mother. “So
yes, let's go!”